
Most applications need authorization logic to control which users can access which data (resources) with which operations.

  • Who: The user
  • What: The resource
  • How: The operation performed on the resource

One way of setting up authorization for an app is using Access Control Lists (ACLs), which are powerful since they allow us to define rules for data access in a very declarative manner. ACLs are used in Unix-like systems for filesystem permissions, for instance.

For a tutorial where you get to write a Pragma application that uses authorization rules, skip to the Example Online Course App section.


When a model is defined, many operations specific to that model are automatically exposed via the GraphQL API, which include CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE, and many other operations. Using access rules, you can allow or deny an incoming operation based on its kind (e.g. READ operation), and its target resource, which is either a model field. For instance:

allow READ User

where User is a defined model, means that READ operations are allowed on any record of type User. Here, allow is the kind of the rule, READ is the operation type, and User is the resource.

The operation type of an access rule can be a single type of event (as in the above example) or you can specify multiple types of operations that the rules matches using array-like syntax. For instance:

allow [READ, CREATE] User

This rule allows both READ and CREATE operations on the User model.

The resource part of an access rule can refer to an entire model, or it can refer to a particular field of a model:

deny READ User.password

When the resource part of an access rule is a model, operations performed on any field of the model will match the rule. So if we have allow READ User, then READ operations are allowed on all fields of the User model.

See the table of operations below to see which operations are applicable on which kinds of resources (models/fields). Remember, if an operation is applicable to both model resources (e.g. User) and field resources (e.g. User.username) but is applied only to a model resource (e.g. User) then the rule will cascade to all of that model's fields.

Everything is Denied by Default

All roles are denied to perform any operation on any resource unless you define an allow rule for them to access that exact resource, except for SET_ON_CREATE and READ_ON_CREATE because they are expected to work when performing a CREATE operation and they are there to give you the option to deny them for certain roles on certain resources when you allow the CREATE operation for that role since they have no effect unless you allow CREATE. See the table of operations below.

Why? Well, it's a very opinionated decision we took when we decided that. When everything is denied by default, you have to think about every possible action the user can take, which can be annoying sometimes. But, on the other hand, this constraint gives us two nice upsides:

  • Make the system's code explicit and clear, and the system in general easier to understand and reason about
  • Make the system more secure because it forces the developer to follow the Principle of Least Privilege

This will make merely looking at the Pragmafile good enough to understand how the system works, which is awesome!

Table of Available Operations

The following is a table specifying the available permissions, the types of resources they can be applied to, and their default rule kind (allow or deny):

PermissionOperation DescriptionApplicable ToDefault
READRetrieve from the APIModels & model fieldsdeny
CREATEInsert a record into the databaseModelsdeny
READ_ON_CREATERetrieve after creating with a CREATE operationModels & model fieldsallow
SET_ON_CREATECREATE operation that sets a field in the input objectModel fieldsallow
UPDATEModify a record in the databaseModels & model fieldsdeny
PUSH_TOAdd an element to an array fieldModel array fieldsdeny
REMOVE_FROMRemove an element from an array fieldModel array fieldsdeny
DELETEDelete a record from the databaseModelsdeny
LOGINLOGIN operation to get a JWTUser modelsdeny
ALLAny operationModels & model fieldsdeny

Authorization Predicates

An access rule can be followed by an if clause, specifying a condition that must be satisfied in order for the rule to match the operation. These conditions are predicates, which are functions that return a boolean value (true or false). Predicates can be imported just like any other function in Pragma, for instance:

import "./my-functions.js" as myFunctions { runtime = "nodejs:10" }
@user @1 model User {
@1 name: String @primary @publicCredential
@2 password: String @secretCredential
@2 age: Int
allow CREATE User if myFunctions.ageOver18

where ./my-functions.js is a file containing:

const ageOver18 = user => ({ result: user.age > 18 })
module.exports = { ageOver18 }

The return of authorization predicates must be an object containing a result field of type boolean. If the predicate return anything other than a boolean in the result field, it is considered false.


Authorization rules are not the best way to validate data coming in, which is basically what ageOver18 does. It is better to use the @onWrite directive instead, but this example is implemented using an authorization rule only for demonstration purposes.


When a user model is defined, you can define a role for that specific user model. A role is a list of rules that apply only to the type of user for which the role is defined. For instance:

role User {
deny READ User.password

The rules defined within a role are only matched when an authenticated user of type User is using the API.


Roles can only be defined for user models.

You may have noticed that access rules may be defined outside of a role block. Access rules that do not belong to any role are applied only to operations performed by anonymous (unauthenticated) users.

self Rules

Within a role, you can define rules that apply only to operations that the user is performing on their own data. For instance:

role {
allow [READ, UPDATE] self
deny READ self.password

Example Online Course App

Let's say we're designing an online course management app. Each instructor teaches one course, and they control which students can enrol in that course. Instructors, students, and courses can be modeled as follows:

@1 model Instructor {
@1 id: String @uuid @primary
@2 name: String @publicCredential
@3 password: String @secretCredential
@4 course: Course
@2 model Student {
@1 id: String @uuid @primary
@2 name: String @publicCredential
@3 password: String @secretCredential
@3 model Course {
@1 id: String @uuid @primary
@2 name: String
@3 participants: [Student]

Here we define two user models: Instructor and Student, and one non-user model: Course.

Now that the data models have been defined, we can start specifying the permissions we're giving to each kind of user.

Defining Access Rules

Access rules can be defined in two places: either globally, or within a role block. A role block specifies the permissions given to a particular user model, while global rules apply to all users (including anonymous users). For example:

role Instructor {
allow ALL Course
allow ALL Student

Here we define a role block where we specify that the Instructor can do ALL CRUD operations with Courses and Students.

Rules with Custom Predicates

Let's say that we want to restrict Instructors to accessing the course that belongs to them. We can do this by passing a predicate (a function that returns true or false) in which we compare the course that the Instructor is trying to access with the instructor's course field.

import "./auth-rules.js" as auth { runtime = "nodejs:14" }
role Instructor {
allow ALL Course auth.courseBelongsToInstructor
allow ALL Student

auth.courseBelongsToInstructor is a JavaScript function defined in ./auth-rules.js:

export const courseBelongsToInstructor =
({ instructor, course }) =>
({ result: === })

Anonymous/Unauthenticated Users

Now we want to allow anonymous (unauthenticated) users to sign up as a Student. This means that we need to allow anybody to create a new Student:

role Instructor {
allow ALL Course auth.courseBelongsToInstructor
allow ALL Student
allow CREATE Student

Notice that the newly added rule is not inside any role block. This tells Pragma that anyone can create a Student, even if there is not user model defined for them.